Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Summer Wind...

It's been a roller-coaster spring and summer. Professionally, I went through an arduous yet rewarding engagement with Comcast as Director, E-Commerce & Online Marketing. What was originally positioned as a permanent role transitioned into a consulting gig. That issue aside, and despite 6 months of a daily commute from Washington, DC to Philly, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

More importantly, I lost one of my best friends and the best man at our wedding, Peter Murphy. I miss him terribly, not just because I knew him since Day 1 Freshman year at Georgetown, but because Murph lived life to the fullest, and he represented everything a good husband and great dad should be. If there are any lessons to be learned from his passing, they are to embrace your passions and never get cheated when pursuing your dreams.

Rest in peace Murph.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Quality Time

This past month of August I've been spending some much needed time with my wife and daughters. I will be returning to the working world in the very near future. This is a very exciting time in the media/marketing field. For those of you who need a solid springboard from the beach or pool back into the post Labor Day madness, I highly recommend David Verklin's book: "Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here". I'm writing a review of the book for